Good luck pronouncing the name of this moth. The black wings are usually covering up the beautiful metallic blue body; fortunately he was stretching when I took this photo.

An Exploration of Nature
Good luck pronouncing the name of this moth. The black wings are usually covering up the beautiful metallic blue body; fortunately he was stretching when I took this photo.
This is the Spined Soldier Bug, but in the nymph stage. A very colorful nymph! It was resting, and perhaps feeding, on my zinnias. Unlike some stink bugs, this species is considered to be beneficial, and when it feeds on plant nectar it is non-damaging to the plant.
A nice capture of this handsome bird.
The Trumpeter Swans nesting at Bath Nature Preserve have hatched three cygnets!
Flycatchers are some of the hardest birds to identify because many of them look quite similar. Least Flycatcher is set apart by the white eyering, which is not a common feature with flycatchers.
I added a lot of new “life-bird” warblers during spring migration this year! Here are some high-lights.